Nothing new on event day

Nothing new on event day

When we perform as a professional no stone is unturned, no surprises unprepared for and everything is ready for action. That’s how a sports person gets themselves ready for a race or a match thats how a professional soldier or pilot prepares for a battle but sadly it’s not how we prepare for a sales meeting, a presentation or an interview and we wonder why we don’t always succeed. In recent times I have been…

Life in Transition Podcast Ep:09 Matt Windle

Birmingham’s Poet Laureate by day & professional super flyweight boxer by night, Matt delivers workshops, performances and poetry-boxercise to schools, libraries, foster homes, young offenders. Matt has performed spoken word/slam poetry since 2007 while continuing his career as a professional boxer. He’s the MATT Man! Make sure you listen to the end as a massive treat he delivers one of his poems for you!   Success Mantra Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work…

80 Year Holiday

Perception is in the eye of the beholder they say – if that is the case why not perceive an 80-year life as a 80 year holiday rather than a chore or challenge. Sure there will be good times and bad times, even on a holiday, but what would that do to your mindset if you were trying to be on holiday in your head more of the time most of the time rather than…

Life in Transition Podcast Ep:08 Mel Eves

Former professional footballer with Wolverhampton Wanderers from the age of 18 – 214 appearances and 53 goals during his 9 years at Molineux, they won the League Cup at Wembley in 1980. He had a career threatening injury aged 27, rupturing his Achilles tendon he continued one for several more years before having to retire. Since football Mel has been an Independent Financial Advisor (IFA) and one of the most respected FIFA Player’s Agents in…

Life in Transition Podcast Ep:07 Nick Baxter

Nick Baxter is an English rugby union player who has represented England Students, England Sevens and the Barbarians. He was a Worcester Warriors winger before becoming the leading try scorer in national league rugby, scoring his 150th try for Pertemps Bees. He was a member of the England Sevens team in the 1998 Kuala Lumpur Commonwealth Games.  In 2005 he received the Rugby Writers’ Union Services to Rugby Award Success Mantra Very simple here ‘hard…

Life in Transition Podcast Ep:06 Anna Turney

In 2006 Anna broke her back snowboard racing, pushing herself at what she loved best. Determined not to be defeated, Anna decided to become a Paralympic Ski Racer. After 3 years training, Anna came 6th in the 2010 Vancouver Paralympics. Four years later she finished 4th, 6th and 8th for GB in Britain’s most successful Winter Paralympic Team in the 2014 Sochi Paralympic Games. “I was disappointed to come home without a Paralympic medal. However…

Hobby Hunger

Do you truly understand the difference between a hobby and a profession or calling – of course we do (or should)? But that doesn’t mean to say we approach our performance everyday as an elite performer – sometimes it’s more like a hobby, a little lackadaisical or possibly even amateur? The definition of a hobby is an activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure, it’s not necessarily focused on making money, making a…

Life in Transition Podcast Ep:05 James Hillier

James is a former Commonwealth 400m hurdler and now oversees the talent pathway for England Athletics in sprints, hurdles and relays. He is responsible for developing and educating coaches and leading a team of experts to deliver relevant content and up skill coaches nationally and locally. Success Mantra Champions are made when nobody is watching! – Quote by many and always quoted by James Learning how to lose! Best advice – Follow your passion –…

Law of Distraction Part 2

In the end it all comes down to YOU – the greatest distraction in your life is you, no one else does it to you, we do it to ourselves and then more often than not fail to take responsibility for the fact we have distracted ourselves from the task in hand and prevented seeing it through to completion. It’s all well and good knowing where distractions come from and what they are all about…

Life in Transition Podcast Ep:04 Danny Ligairi-Badham

Danny Ligairi-Badham – Rugby Union, Rugby League and Basketball. Son of former SAS major Ilisoni Ligairi and adopted at the age of one by a Worcestershire family. Former professional sportsman in three sports, now coach, philanthropist and acting alongside the likes of Tom Hardy in the series Taboo. Some great words in this interview on transition and your legacy. Success Mantra How much of a difference are you going to make? Best advice – Take…