What Is a Keynote Speaker?

The term “keynote speaker”is one of the most misunderstood terms in the entire industry.  Generally, if you ask someone”what is a keynote speaker”, they will tell you that it is a motivational speaker, a plenary speaker, an inspirational speaker, a breakout speaker, a closing speaker, an industry expert or a business speaker.  When you tell them that their definition is wrong, they may start to suggest that it is a magician, a ventriloquist, a juggler…

Rules for becoming a good motivational speaker

If you want to become the best at motivational speaking, you need to know the rules to becoming a good motivational speaker.  Of course, “rules” is a big word, and it may be better described as suggestions or hints and tips.  Here are ten steps you may want to implement if you want to become a really good and inspiring motivational speaker. Think of the special message that you have that cannot be found elsewhere. …

Triumph or Disaster

“IF you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you…If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster….Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken… and lose, and start again at your beginnings…” Some fine words from one of the finest poems ever written by Rudyard Kipling.  Without pain, struggle and failure, how could we truly appreciate the good times and acknowledge our success and achievement….

Take Responsibility

When you were a child or even as a parent, how often did you hear the phrase, “It’s up to you to take responsibility for your actions”? More often than not, the parent or teacher was right about what they were saying – “You will fall over and hurt yourself,” “You will get caught” or, “It’s not worth the risk” etc. Like many of you I have made countless errors in my business and personal…

Lifestyle Business

Your “lifestyle” business is meant to provide you with your lifestyle. What is the purpose of being in business? To change the world, to provide a sustainable source of energy for life on the planet or simply to fulfil that burning desire to be your own boss and make enough money to pay the bills? For many years a “lifestyle” business has been portrayed in a slightly derogatory way – if you have a lifestyle…

Waste Not Want Not

There are areas in our lives where we can be extremely thoughtful in what we do and where we choose to spend our time and effort. Attending only the meetings we want to, answering the phone on our terms or occasionally saying no to the requests of others. This is essentially managing our scarce resources – our time, finances and energy. However there are still many areas where we are far more careless or even…

Reading the Newspaper

Stopping FAFFing About can be applied in work and home life. I even apply it to reading newspapers. Everyone has their own view on the value of newspapers – the reporting, the political bias, the sensationalisation of anything thought to be of interest to the masses and of course, the celebrity status of anyone with 5 minutes of fame. I used to watch my parents and others from their generation religiously sitting at the kitchen…

The True value of 20 Minutes

20 minutes is not a great deal of time – it equates to a short run, a soap opera episode (without the adverts) or the average life expectancy of a fighter pilot in World War I according the British comedy show Blackadder.  Yet when added together, many twenty minutes make a lot of time. The question has to be asked how often do we use up, lose or simply haemorrhage 20 minutes during our lives….

Spit & Polish

Can being too smart or too polished be a distraction or a negative when building relationships with clients and connections? If you were brought up in a family who had military connections then you will know very well what spit and polish means. This, along with the art of bulling, is how military and service personnel achieve the shiniest of shoes you can imagine on their parade boots. The polish is applied using a rag…

Dedication or Meditation?

When I hear the word “dedication” I am taken back to the days of Roy Castle singing away and blowing his trumpet. We can’t achieve any records or success without dedication, perseverance and commitment. Look at any of the Olympic athletes from across the globe; whether they win or not, they all put in incredible amounts of dedication and training to get to the top of their field. I recently attended a concert given by…