steve sallis

Life in Transition Podcast Ep:13 Steve Sallis

Steve is a former academy footballer for Brighton and Hove Albion FC, which ended & led to an education career. He was short-listed for The National Teacher of the Year Award in 2008, previously a Vice-Principal for 9 years with responsibility for whole school Teaching and Learning. Founder of Currently working with the England under 15 National Squad & the published author of “Educating Football” a book for teachers, coaches, parents & players.

  • Success Mantra

Treat people how you expect to be treated yourself

  • Best advice –

There is no failure…only feedback – ask for feedback – seek it out from the right people

  • One must do action or pearl of wisdom!

Read about Carol Dweck growth mindset – expand your thinking by reading or audio books!!

  • Fancy some more, connect
    • Twitter – @stevensallis @solutionsmindse
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