Mike Jones

Life in Transition Podcast Ep:11 Mike Jones

18 years in the British Army – Former Instructor at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) the foremost leadership academy in the world – medical discharge due to PTSD forced his transition into civvy street. Now Mike runs Leadership by Inspiration, a tailored approach to culture change, leadership and team development. Enabling senior leaders to create a culture where their employees and teams can thrive | Organisational Psychologist

  • Success Mantra

Failure/risk is neutral it’s how you approach it decides if its positive or negative experience. 

  • Best advice –

Remain humble and truly self-aware – these two underpin the skills required to navigate and lead in the ever increasing uncertain and complex landscape.

  • One must do action or pearl of wisdom!

Embrace feedback, understand what behaviours you want to work on and seek honest and constructive feedback from people you can trust.

Most of our self-awareness is gained from honest interaction with others.

  • Fancy some more, connect
    • LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-h-jones/
    • Twitter –  @leaderinspires
    • Instagram –  https://www.instagram.com/leadershipbyinspiration/
    • Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/leadershipbyinspiration/