The Isolated Executive

As careers progress and ladders are climbed individuals move further away from that team environment on the shop floor. This was the place where everyone was equal, the common goal was to work, do a good job and hopefully get a promotion or a transfer to the next level at some stage in the future. If something went wrong you asked a colleague, if you didn’t know the answer you asked your mate next to…

Writing Newsletters

In simple terms, if you decide not to write a newsletter how will people know your opinions, thoughts and experiences? How will you establish yourself as the best person to go to in a field of knowledge or as a thought leader, if nobody knows what your views are? I am not referring to the short headline world of Twitter and Facebook but the world of crafted newsletters – more than a blog but not…

No More Procrastination

When you are faced with the knowledge that you will not grow old, have children of your own, or see your next birthday, life takes on a totally different meaning. There is no more procrastination possible – you can choose to curl up and disappear quietly or you can step up and make the most of your time left. When I first met Stephen Sutton I knew of his fight with cancer that was now…

Spin Doctor

The art of Spin Dr’ing has grown and sadly it has a great deal of negative association with it nowadays, ranging from political sleaze to blatant lying. This is not new, nor is it restricted to particular parts of the world or population – it’s just propaganda – stories based on some truth, half truth or no truth at all. Governments and leaders have for centuries embellished the truth about wars and battles, hidden the…


The word credibility can be an emotive word – in its simplest terms it means evidence or a proven track record at doing a particular task. That can vary from an experienced professional footballer that plays in goal and their credibility demonstrated by a record of 121 clean sheets in 200 matches (let in no goals) vs. the former CEO of a blue chip multi-national organisation who has demonstrated their skills at the top of…

In your own Bubble!

There is a simple life formula that has been around for many years that I have to say I subscribe to wholeheartedly:- P=P-I  – Performance = Potential + Interference There you have it – life should now be simple for you, business will be hugely successful and all relationships will be a breeze! Not really.. but it can have a massive impact on you when breaking it down into its three component parts. Performance- this is what…

Always Make a Date!

Every day of every week we meet new people, work with clients and prospects or deal with suppliers and controlling our diaries and calendars can prove very difficult. However for me the most frustrating emails are the ones when the recipient is totally unhelpful in getting to the point of commitment to a meeting or phone call. You have to do all the leg work and thinking and no matter what you suggest or come…

Take 5 A Day

They’re kill joys, self righteous and just plain annoying! Is this how you feel about the people who ram endless healthy and nutritional advice down our throats that we’ll always ignore and then somehow feel guilty about afterwards? You know the ones I’m referring to, they’re obviously well intentioned but sometimes a little misguided in how they go about it, because no-one wants to feel guilty for living the way they choose to.  Please stop…

Top ten tips on being a good master of ceremony

As a master of ceremony, it is your job to keep the audience interested, energised and to keep the event moving smoothly. However, being a master of ceremony is not as easy as it sounds. It is common in front of an audience to become incredibly nervous and shy no matter how confident you may normally be. Public speaking of any kind is not easy even if it is to your family, friends or colleagues….

Five benefits of having the right attitude in the workplace

Having the education, knowhow and experience does not always guarantee that you will succeed in your career. Your attitude in the workplace will have a lot to do with how successful you are in your career and should be something that you constantly work on and adjust to those around you. When it comes to the workplace, a negative attitude will have a negative impact on everything you do as well as on those you…