Mike Pagan - Motivational Wellbeing Speaker

Keynote Speaking for Events and Conferences

Motivational Wellbeing Speaker

Are you concerned about the overall wellbeing of your employees? Have you noticed a steady drop-off in performance from your team? Perhaps there are signs their mental health is not in the right place? Whatever the case, there’s no point leaving the situation to further deteriorate, reduce employee output and happiness, and ultimately weaken your business. You have to take action now.

This is where Mike Pagan Wellbeing Speaker, the Wellbeing Speaker and Mental Wealth expert, can help.


Achieving Positive Mental Wealth

Mental Wealth, as Mike likes to call it, is an essential ingredient for any employee – and person in general. Having a full repertoire of skills, along with a wealth of experience and a CV longer than the Great Wall of China. Yet none of that matters if they’re not in the right mental space to deliver. It’s like trying to bake a chocolate cake without one key ingredient – the chocolate.

Mike is an expert wellbeing speaker that enables his clients to build handpicked support networks and giving them the key to unlock major performance upgrades. This is done through positive Mental Wealth. His work hasn’t just helped business professionals, solo entrepreneurs and corporate board members, he has aided professional athletes in their efforts to achieve positive wellbeing and discover their true potential.

Motivational Wellbeing Speaker
Achieving Positive Mental Wealth

Mental Wealth, as Mike likes to call it, is an essential ingredient for any employee – and person in general. Having a full repertoire of skills, along with a wealth of experience and a CV longer than the Great Wall of China. Yet none of that matters if they’re not in the right mental space to deliver. It’s like trying to bake a chocolate cake without one key ingredient – the chocolate.

Mike is an expert wellbeing speaker that enables his clients to build handpicked support networks and giving them the key to unlock major performance upgrades. This is done through positive Mental Wealth. His work hasn’t just helped business professionals, solo entrepreneurs and corporate board members, he has aided professional athletes in their efforts to achieve positive wellbeing and discover their true potential.

Why Choose Mike Pagan as Your Motivational Wellbeing Speaker?

Mike is a professional keynote Wellbeing speaker and presenter that has unparalleled experience in the world of Mental Wealth. He has been there, done that and bought the t-shirt, and he understands the negatives of being in the wrong frame of mind. Mike also learnt how to pull himself out of this situation and utilise the power of the support network – and he has been using this knowledge to help others for over two decades.

Mike is a Wellbeing coach, author of four books, a non-executive director, and the main advocate for Mental Wealth. This first-hand experience is the foundation for his keynote speaking and presenting roles. You don’t want a motivational wellbeing speaker that pads their content with a load of fluff and waffle. You want a speaker that gets to the heart of the issue, hits your employees with point after point that resonates with them and motivates them to make a change.

A Different Approach

If you are searching for a bog-standard motivational wellbeing speaker, turn back and type in a different query on Google. Mike is not your typical keynote speaker. He takes a different approach when getting through to clients. Rather than the softly-softly approach, Mike is direct, blunt, open and honest with his feedback.

Now, this doesn’t mean he is going to give your employees a dressing down and break their spirit – but this direct honesty ensures there’s no confusion, everyone knows where they stand, and they can get on with taking the necessary steps towards improvement.

Meet Mike
Who Requires a Motivational Wellbeing Speaker?

Not every business needs a helping hand from a motivational wellbeing speaker. They may already be exceeding their goals with happy, productive employees. However, if your business is doing the opposite or recovering from the effects of the pandemic, an informed, expert motivational wellbeing speaker – like Mike – can be the difference-maker for an upturn in fortunes.

Simply put, there has never been greater emphasis placed on a company’s duty of care for its staff. Positive mental health and wellbeing are vital for a positive, productive employee. By organising an event, conference, or convention, you can take a large, direct step in the right direction for your workers.

An annual event is an excellent way to get everyone together. It can also serve as a refresher, a way for employees to refocus and understand their Mental Wealth. It’s not drastic to say that an event like this is just as important a “benefit” for your employees as bonuses, paid holidays, days out and so on.

Who Requires a Motivational Wellbeing Speaker?

Not every business needs a helping hand from a motivational wellbeing speaker. They may already be exceeding their goals with happy, productive employees. However, if your business is doing the opposite or recovering from the effects of the pandemic, an informed, expert motivational wellbeing speaker – like Mike – can be the difference-maker for an upturn in fortunes.

Simply put, there has never been greater emphasis placed on a company’s duty of care for its staff. Positive mental health and wellbeing are vital for a positive, productive employee. By organising an event, conference, or convention, you can take a large, direct step in the right direction for your workers.

An annual event is an excellent way to get everyone together. It can also serve as a refresher, a way for employees to refocus and understand their Mental Wealth. It’s not drastic to say that an event like this is just as important a “benefit” for your employees as bonuses, paid holidays, days out and so on.

Taking the Next Step

Beyond acclaimed presentations for events and conferences, Mike’s company supplies inspirational and challenging wellbeing coaches. He also has world-class facilitators for both peer support and his Mastermind Groups and Masterclasses.

With this type of full package available, presentations by Mike are just the beginning. They can be viewed as the gateway to a complete Mental Wealth transformation for you and your employees.

Plan Your Event or Conference Today

Don’t delay in being a positive influence on the mental health and wellbeing of your employees. The longer you hold off helping, the longer your workers suffer – and ultimately, so does your business.

Get in touch with Mike today and begin planning your event or conference. It could end up changing the lives of your employees and boosting business performance!